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Amla Extracts

History & Importance of Amla

In the Indian subcontinent, Amla berry, also known as Emblica officinalis, is widely regarded as the most sacred medicinal berry. The extraordinary folklore boasts Amla to be a healing fruit with varied, potent, broad-spectrum healing powers. Several peer review studies show Amla's efficacy as an antioxidant, and sophisticated technologies reveal the potency of its novel blend of molecules.

Amla in Ayurveda

Amla is one of the most commonly used Ayurvedic ingredients. The Indian Goosebery is widely used as both food and medicine.According to Ayurveda, it helps balance the three tri-doshas - vata, pitta, and kapha. As a unique ingredient, it's widely used in medicines, food, and cosmetics. Amla is found in many ayurvedic preparations like Triphala, Chyavanprash, Nishamalaki, Mhari Choorna, and many more.

Antioxidant benefits of Amla

A good source of Vitamin C, Amla fruit also contains various polyphenols including ellagic acid, gallic acid, apigenin, quercetin, luteolin, corilagin,gallic acid, apigenin, quercetin, luteolin, corilagin.A study has shown that amla berries contain flavonoids, chemical compounds that have shown to improve memory. A screening test showed amla (berry) to have potent and powerful antioxidant effects, with an ORAC value of 261,500 per 100 grams.

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Amla for Diabetes

The traditional use of Amla in Ayurvedic recipes is well known for its management of diabetes. There are many such preparations, including Nishamlaki. As an antioxidant, Amla reverses the effects of free radicals and oxidative stress.Amla's antioxidant properties contribute to the maintenance of a healthy pancreas, thereby regulating blood sugar levels.

Amla for Hypertension

Amla is known for its cardioprotective properties and its ability to strengthen the cardiac tissues.The fruit has antiatherogenic, antihypertensive, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, antiplatelet, vasodilator, and lipid deposition inhibitory effects. Furthermore, it improves the function of vascular endothelial cells.

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Amla for better Gut Health

Amla contains sufficient quantities of soluble dietary fibers, which help regulate bowel movements. Combined with its ascorbic acid content, it enhances the absorption of essential nutrients.

Amla for Brain Health

Phytonutrients and antioxidants in Amla are effective against free radicals that can damage brain cells. Vitamin C in amla helps in producing a neurotransmitter called norepinephrine which is believed to improve brain function.

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Amla for Hair Care

For centuries, amla oil has been used as a home remedy to promote hair growth. Coconut oil mixed with Amla improves hair growth. Amla oil also stimulates the growth of hair follicles while it enhances the volume and length of the hair.